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Are You Tired of Being Tired?

Welcome to my Wellness Practice! I would like to guide you through your first steps toward improved health with application of Functional or Metabolic medicine principles. Together we will evaluate and determine the root cause of your body's imbalance, and then help you correct any imbalances discovered with lifestyle change, supplements, bioidentical hormones, detoxification, or whatever means are necessary. We can probably help you with the issues above and many more. Let us help you regain your vitality and help you Feel, Look, and BE the best you can be at your age!

T. Rohde, M.D.

Call 217-864-2700 today to get started on the New You!

Jump to www.DrRohde.com for more in depth information

Is Bio-identical Hormone Therapy for you?


Physician-supervised Functional or Metabolic Medical evaluation and treatment that may include Bioidentical hormone therapy can be Life-changing!

Dr. Rohde offers bio-identical hormone therapy integrated with proper fitness and nutrition for women and men. This preventive medical approach known as Functional or Metabolic Medicine helps put an end to suffering and effects caused by stress induced adrenal fatigue, chemical, neurotransmitter, and amino acid imbalances, signs of early menopause, menopause, and andropause (the male menopause).

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Hormones decline as we age; bioidentical hormone therapy replaces the hormones that your body needs to function. Dr. Rohde uses bioidentical or natural hormones versus bio-similar or synthetic hormones. Bioidentical hormones are molecule-by-molecule, exactly the same as the hormones present in the human body. We will assess your individual needs and work to restore these hormones and customize a medical plan specifically for you.

An Integrated Approach to Natural Hormones

Dr. Rohde will also discuss the importance of good nutrition, fitness and lifestyle choices in your journey to better health with natural hormones. Eating right and exercising are equally important aspects of bioidentical hormone therapy or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). If your hormones are out of balance, your body will not respond optimally to improved nutrition and exercise. As your hormones, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle improve – you will begin to feel like your old self with improved energy, vitality and results.

Who needs Bioidentical Hormone Therapy or HRT?

Women suffering from early menopause symptoms looking to put an end to hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, mood swings, weight gain, and low libido are turning to individualized treatment programs specifically for each woman to end the suffering from early menopause symptoms, menopause, perimenopause, and severe PMS.

Men experiencing the male menopause who want to get a grip on weight gain, lost libido, fatigue, stress, energy, muscle mass, and body fat are also finding solutions through natural hormone therapy. For men, andropause (the male menopause) happens gradually and when diagnosed, the symptoms are successfully treated using bioidentical hormone therapy.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Services

  • A comprehensive review of symptoms, medical, family and personal history
  • Testing – saliva, urine and/or blood laboratory analysis
  • Natural Hormone balancing
  • Ongoing evaluations
  • Quality compounded pharmacy
  • Highest quality supplements
  • Fitness programs
  • Nutrition planning
  • Stress reduction plans

The steps to Natural Hormone Balance

During your initial consultation with Dr. Rohde, you'll spend time completing a thorough personal, medical and family history evaluation. Next, you will have a physical examination and then you will discuss hormones, review the findings gathered from your history and examination, and finally determine the next steps together.

To properly administer individualized bioidentical hormones, we will ask you to collect a saliva test, we will also draw blood, and depending on your symptoms and exam findings, possibly collect stool or urine specimens. These tests will provide a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and evaluate your body's present hormone balance.

Once your results are back, we will meet again to personally review your test results and discuss the appropriate treatment to meet your individual needs.

Your individualized treatment plan may include a combination of creams, pills, and specific nutritional supplements. Each treatment plan is customized to your individual needs. Please come prepared to pay for any nutritional supplements you may need.

We request that you utilize only pharmaceutical grade supplements in your treatment plan so you will receive their maximal benefit - we have personally selected superior brands. Supplements sold at regular pharmacies utilize lower grade ingredients and often will not provide the benefit we seek. I make specific recommendations based on my experience and testing you have paid for - shopping for the lowest price on supplements to restore your body's health and balance is not a wise decision. Jump Here for more Info on supplements

Estimated Fees For Bioidentical Hormone Evaluation and Therapy


We will bill insurance for hormone evaluation visits if we are in your insurance plan. For those  patients for whom we are out of their insurance network, we will require you to pay for services at the time of your visit. We will provide you with an invoice that you can submit directly to your provider for reimbursement. Please come prepared to pay for your visit at the time of service with cash, a check, or a credit card.

The initial half hour long evaluation consultation is $150.00. The subsequent half hour treatment planning consultation is $150.00. Follow-up consultations may be scheduled for 15 minutes ($75.00) or 30 minutes ($150.00) depending on your need to discuss and/or modify your treatment regimen.


We will bill insurance for hormone evaluation lab-work if we are in your insurance plan, with the EXCEPTION OF DMH Consociate and United Healthcare who DO NOT pay for saliva testing. For those patients for whom we are out of their insurance network, we will require you to pay for laboratory services at the time of your visit. We will provide you with an invoice that you can submit directly to your provider for reimbursement. Please come prepared to pay for your visit at the time of service with cash, a check, or a credit card.

The lab work ordered will of course be variable but the most common tests are marked with an asterisk below. Each individual will need lab studies specifically based on their unique history and clinical situation. A list of prices for the most commonly ordered labs is noted below.

Cash Pay Test Prices:

Male/Female Hormone Panel - $150.00 Thyroid - TSH and Free T4 - $60.00
Female Cycling Hormone Panel - $350.00 Thyroid - Free T3 - $ 65.00
Adrenal Stress Hormone Panel - $ 170.00 Vitamin D - $75.00
Combination Panel 10-15 tests - $230.00 LH - $ 35.00
Combination Panel 16-20 tests - $290.00 FSH - $ 22.00
Neurotransmitter Testing - $ 350.00 Neurotransmitter + Cortisol/Melatonin - $370.00
CBC - $16.00 PSA - $36.00
CMP - $20.00 Pregnancy - $34.00
Lipid - $ 20.00 Prolactin - $45.00


If you are ready to improve your health and feel your best again then call us at 217-864-2700 to schedule your initial consultation.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is that simple - Call NOW!

Jump to: www.DrRohde.com, my main web site for more in depth information.

Web Links:

metabolicmedicine.org / illinoishormones.com / bhrtdoc.com

bhrthelp.com / bhrtinfo.com / bioidenticalhormonedoc.com / bhrtillinois.com

bioidenticalhormonehelp.com / drrohde.com / midwesthormones.com /

chicagohormones.net / stlouishormones.com / midwestnaturalhormones.com

bioidenticalhormoneillinois.com / formyhealth.com / illinoisnaturalhormones.com